Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So I attend a private university in Idaho and I am nearly done. This university has a somewhat peculiar method of testing its students in various courses. Most test given by instructors on campus are issued in what is known as a tesing center. It is this horribly small and cramped two rooms with a maximum of 500 seats. How this seems like an appropriate amount of seating for the nearly 14000 students that attend I will never know. Anyways, I had the misfortune to have to endure a test in this place about a week ago and as I approched the front desk, where they swipe my ID card and issue my test a young man, that I soon hated, said "I'll help who's next" this was me so I step up, he proceeded to swipe my card and as I prepared to inform this slime ball which test I would be taking, he said "I am going to have to ask you to go home and change your pants." I looked at him, looked at my pants and saw a small 1 inch by 2 inch fray that didn't even expose skin or undergarments. I said, "for this little guy?" he said, "yes!" I told him that I lived at home which was a 30 minute drive away and this fine human being said that I should have made better clothing choices when I left my house. I nearly practiced my left hook on this dude's face! I was irate. normally I just deal with things like this and let them slide, but this had to be dealt with. I asked him if he knew how many tests I had taken in these very jeans prior to this one, when he answered in the negative, I told him it was near 100. Also I asked why low cut shirts and short skirts were allowed but a small fray was not. When he had no answer I called him a rediculous robot drone and walked out. The best part of the story is that I returned to the testing center after my class (having not changed my jeans) and proceeded to take the test without a single problem. Weird eh?

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