Monday, September 7, 2009

Dumb Butts!!

I recently ventured to the state of Utah to visit some friends and family members. It was on the way down that I remembered something, most people in the world are freaking idiots!!! I swear that the majority of people that drive cars on the interstate took a much different driver's education course than I did, I believe the course they took was "How to piss off other drivers as much and as frequent as possible!!" For example, I came upon a lady in a white convertible, as I passed she did nothing wrong, but as I checked my blind spot to make sure this medusa of a woman was far enough behind me for a safe return into the right hand lane, she felt it necessary to speed up. Now I realize that this is in no way a crime or a violation of the rules of the road, but I wanted to kill her when she proceeded to speed up and slow down just enough that a pass would be impossible at my current rate of speed. The finally straw was when this "hag" in her mid 60's to 70's pulled out her cellular device and started to text like a high school girl, i figured that the combination of horribly slow reaction times and an infamiliarity with technology was bad enough to send me well over the speed limit to get out of harms way!