Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dumb stuff

I often enjoy a nice fruity bacteria-infested snack known to most as yogurt. This snack, as many know, comes in a variety of brands and flavors. I am not one to be partial to a brand of yogurt that claims to have a better taste, or more nutrients or whatever the case may be. I find that my mother (whom I still live with) stocks our fridge with a particular brand called yoplait. I first ate one the other day and realized how stupid the people at yoplait are! Number one, what the crap is a yoplait and why do you not pronounce the "t"? Also I don't believe there is a worse design for this yogurt container, the bottom is wider than the top so that it is nearly impossible to enjoy all the overly pastuerized milk that is in this container! Also also, how can only a sealed foil wrapper be the best way to cover this container? Plastics were invented for a reason you dumb butts! Why can't food companies let us enjoy life the way we are meant to?