Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The smelly's

So I work at a pharmacy in the town in which i live. I have worked here before, but took the year off for school and am now back for the summer. The pharamcy is locally owned so it is small (in volume and in actual size), but very busy. Today was a moderatetly busy day, in which I had the pleasure of being reminded of the smelliest people you could ever meet! The "Johnsons" have a distinct odor that would make a skunk put its nose under its tail! As I was engulfed in this foul odor, I had two thoughts, one was how can these people's smell be so foul and the other was "I wonder if I can effect (negatively or positivly) the entire smell of a building. Problem is I couldn't find an answer for either question! Darn, foiled again!