Monday, October 12, 2009

They call them UGZ for a reason

As we embark upon the winter season, many fun and wondrous things once again become available to us in the great state of Idaho. These things include but are not limited to: Snowboarding, snowmobiling, hunting, ice skating, and so forth. Sadly, these wonderful delights come at a very high price. This price being the reintroduction of the hideous and horrendous UGZ brand boots that girls feel they need to not only wear but tuck their freaking jeans into the previously mention footwear! These "boots" are not boots at all, they may have slightly higher insulating qualities than regular shoes, but they have no capabilities that could classify them as boots. I hear stories of their outrageous price which sickens me due to how awful they look. I have found that most males I talk to about my hatred toward this fashion backward trend agree 100 percent with my views. This begs the question, why do these girls feel the need to wear them if so many men hate them with a fiery passion? I feel that the answer is found in statements from multiple girls that have said, "well we girls think they are cute!" Well this is obviously a clear answer to my question. Girls wear these atrocities to impress other girls! I'm not saying that all girls that wear UGZ are lesbians, but I do feel that a re-evaluation of their sexuality may be in order. So as you ladies prepare to go to class or out on the town, remember, you are what you wear!